Counterparties to standard and complex (non-standard) brokerage
transactions rely on the BTS Brokerage Invoice Management (BAS)
and Proof of Charge (POC) solutions to support an evidence-based
Brokerage Accounting Solution (BAS). This approach resolves
disputes, reduces aged receivables/payables, prevents P&L
leakage, and ensures the timely and accurate processing of
invoices between counterparties.
BAS Functionality
Intelligent-Invoices provide interoperability between the
counterparties to shorten the invoice payment cycle
Data-Translator provides complete insight into standard and
non-standard data structures
Rates-Verse captures standard contract rates as well as
bilaterally negotiated rates, Bloomberg rates, email rates,
and give-up rate agreements
BIMS-Explorer supports transactional drill down functionality
to examine all transactional leg details, along with
differences that have been detected by BTS algorithms
POC Functionality
Trade Confirmations are used to evidence counterparty
transactional details
Monthly Invoices provided by the billing party provide
information into originating charges
BTS algorithms automatically organize data into standard and
non-standard data sets
Processes fees associated with all legs of the transaction,
inclusive of bespoke one-off trades
References industry based standard agreements
Maintains and manages non-standard rates as well as bespoke
contractual agreements thus providing a complete reference set
of all counterparty Brokerage agreements